Sunday, May 24, 2009

ICT skills in the family

I've always been curious about technology and children. I know from my work that they can get to be very savvy (boys), or very uninterested for it (usually girls).
Bruno and Fabrizio are a clear example of boys' interest in technology and thier initial steps in the ICT world are supported by their curiosity, easeness to use basic functions in a computer and endless imagination.
I've been using a movie-making website, Xtranormal, because it was entertaining, easy to do and potentially useful for academic purposes, especially in the area of digital expression.
Anyway, this morning I woke up after Fabrizio jumped to my bed between me and Jenny and started his day at 7:30 am. So I figured, might as well entertained him at the very beginning of the day with something different.
Fabrizio and Bruno had been practicing doing movies with a digital camera for a few weeks already, but never digitally. And, even though my assistance in the process was required, most of the script is theirs.
Here are some of the examples, enjoy!

Movie 1: Fabrizio and Dadda.

Movie 2: Bruno and Fabrizio.

Movie 3: Bruno and Dadda.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monkey in the Middle - Park visit

The video from this postcorrespond to one of our park visits last april. We went there to have fun with my kids and stepbrothers.
Measuring forces, enforcinf physical activity and allowing them to relax playing in the sandbox is a routine.
Nothing like holding them upside down, while I still can. They grow too fast, at their current age, 7 and 5, I have trouble carrying them in my arms.
They told me time flies, and the minute you realize they're moving out of the house with a driver's license and a college life to begin.
Anyway, that is still a few years away. in the meantime, I'll be the monkey in the middle.